
Whoa, I haven't logged into this in a good while, I'm not sure I even have may followers but I've really decided to place my progress and really work on extending my social networking presence.

I have been Web Designing with http://www.gideongames.com - I was the web designer and Developer of the forums, which I continually moderate.

 I have a few personal projects going, one being The Chamber.
I have no idea what this project is becoming, but it will probably be a portfolio piece, I have an animation in mind.

Another project I had recently opened was Lonely Inn. A concept art piece by Narya Milan http://www.milanvasek.com. I have a defined idea for this project, and am looking forward to
document my progress!

Finally (in case you haven't already) my personal site has been updated by Moi http://nathan-mcdonald.com - and is still being working on, I am going to transferring it over to Wordpress and creating a my own specific theme - it may render this blog redundant.

Follow me @npmcdonald, its still pretty tweet-less right now.

Stay Tuned.


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